AACVPR is addressing the physician supervision rules in the Critical Access Hospital (CAH) setting. They are asking our help in getting this brief survey to all programs so that AACVPR can better ascertain the magnitude of this issue and strategize a plan to address it. Please have one person in your program fill out this survey here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=VFNjBuVyv8POG6S83RjhXA_3d_3d
Information for 2010 Medicare rules is now posted for AACVPR members along with FAQ documents for both CR and PR, which will be updated as questions are received. The Conditions of Coverage documents (Section 410.49 for CR and Section 410.47 for PR) are also posted on the Legislative and Regulatory Resources web page.
We continue to have problems with email delivery to members. Please update your email in your member profile so that you will receive timely communications.