Does Your Cardiac Rehab Program Need an External Pacemaker?

15 Mar 2004 2:31 PM | Julie Feirer (Administrator)

This was an issue for many programs who have AEDs. We contacted Susie Carter, Chair of the AACVPR Certification Committee. She discussed it with her AACVPR Director and the Recertification Committee Chair, Robin Cuffe. Their determination is that the list on Guideline 11.3 (page 202 of the 4th edition of GCR) is a "should" list. They believe that the guidelines say that the "program services are dependent on the particular site at which the care is being delivered". Having a pacemaker with each defibrillator may actually be based on the individual institution's policy as well. As long as the staff is trained to utilize the AED until the code team or the EMS arrives, the AED should be adequate.