No Spring 2010 ICN?

22 Jan 2010 5:55 PM | Julie Feirer (Administrator)

Why no ICN?

You might have noticed there has been no notification of an ICN being held in February.  The reason for this is that we need people to volunteer to be in charge of and to help with the ICN offerings.  This is a big job and I posted a request in October for volunteers to serve on this committee.  The board of directors has gotten no response to that request.  

Therefore, unfortunately, there will be no ICN in February.  The board of directors has been discussing partnering with Academy Medical Systems for educational offerings.  Academy Medical Systems is willing to offer IACPR members the group rates for their presentations.  We still have a few details to be worked out before we can proceed with this.   

The down side to this proposal is that there would be no chance to discuss specific issues.  Keep in mind that any new information for members is posted on the Members Only section of the website.  If the information comes from AACVPR, there will be a link to the AACVPR website.  For example, reimbursement issues will be reported to the membership as the news becomes available.  It is important to keep updated on national as well as regional information.  That is why every program should have an IACPR as well as an AACVPR member.            

Please consider getting more involved with IACPR.  Contact me or any board member and let us know of your interest.  

Diane McGrew

IACPR President