Call to ACTION

25 Aug 2009 4:55 PM | Julie Feirer (Administrator)

Those of you who are members of AACVPR received an email last week asking you, as cardiac and pulmonary rehab professionals, to submit your comments regarding CMS' proposed new rules for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation that will be effective January 1, 2010. The leadership of IACPR encourages everyone to submit comments. We are not asking for patient comments at this time.

All of the information you need to submit comments is included here. Included is background information, as well as the links to submit your comments. CMS considers the volume of comments received and whether the comments are consistent, so please encourage your program medical director and hospital administration to submit comments as well. Comments must be submitted by August 31, 2009.

This is our last chance to help CMS "get it right." Please take this action that will benefit your patients and programs.