Register for ICN Fall Update!

25 Sep 2008 5:18 PM | Julie Feirer (Administrator)

Location: via Iowa Communication Network, see sites listed below. Additional sites can be set up with a minimum of 5 participants by contacting Patty Huisenga or call 515-239-6780. If any of the sites below have less than 5 participants, the site may be cancelled.

Audience: Interested Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Professionals

Purpose: To educate Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation professionals on:

  1. Program needs for patients with high oxygen requirements
  2. Exercise heart rate recommendations for Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients
  3. Nutrition education ideas to facilitate behavior change


Jane Knipper, RN, MA, AE-C, FAACVPR, Program Coordinator of Pulmonary Rehabilitation at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Leah Lenz, MSPT, ES, CSCS, Physical Therapist for the University of Iowa’s Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program

Denise Albert, RD, LD, Dietician for the University of Iowa's Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program


  1. Identify indications of the need for supplemental oxygen
  2. Discuss program policy allowing flexibility in administration of supplemental oxygen during exercise.
  3. List delivery devices for the administration of high flow oxygen.
  4. Discuss appropriate maximal heart rate limitation for patients who have had an AMI, when entering into phase II cardiac rehabilitation
  5. Discuss characteristics that define patients more likely to have lower peak heart rates
  6. Identify nutrition education ideas to help facilitate behavior change.

Cost: Please note that the charge for CEUs is new this fall! This program is free to all members of IACPR. A program fee for non-member is $20.00. All requests for CEUs require a $10.00 processing fee. Payment for CEUs can be made with PayPal when registering online or, on site day of conference. Make checks payable to IACPR. If you would like to become a IACPR member, or renew your membership for $35.00/year, click here. Two ICN conferences per year are included with membership.

Continuing Education Units: 0.3 Nursing CEUs are approved by Mary Greeley Medical Center, provider #95. No partial credit will be granted. Certificate of Attendance provided to all Respiratory and Physical Therapists. 


8:45 Registration

8:55 Roll Call-Welcome-Announcements Diane McGrew, RN IACPR President

9:10 Patients with High Oxygen Needs: Can Your Program Meet Those Needs? (Jane Knipper)

10:30 AACVPR Poster Presentations/Clinical Practice Updates. (Leah Lenz, Denise Albert

12:00 Evaluations

12:15 Adjournment

ICN Sites:

Ankeny High School 1302 NW Ankeny Blvd, Room #522 Ankeny (Monitor: Laura Mackaman)

Atlantic Public Library 507 Poplar Street Atlantic (Monitor: Beth McDermott)

Area Education Agency 267 3712 Cedar Heights Dr. Cedar Falls (Monitor: Bobbie Emerson)

Marion Linn-Mar High School 3111 N. 10th St. Marion (Monitor: Stephanie Cooper)

Dubuque Comm. School Dist. Forum 2300 Chaney Room: Marv O’Hare Dubuque (Monitor: Carla Taft)

Trinity Regional Medical Center 802 Kenyon Road ICN Room Ft Dodge (Monitor: Kathy Johnson)

Center for Disabilities University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics 100 Hawkins Drive Iowa City (Monitor: Leah Lenz)

North Iowa Area Community College-4 500 College Drive Room: CB118 Mason City (Monitor: Rhonda Halfpop)

Newton Senior high School 800 E 4th Street S. Room: 104 Newton (Monitor: Nancy Steingreaber)

Orange City Hospital and Clinics 400 Central Avenue NW Orange City (Monitor: Robin Bird)

Ottumwa Regional Health Center 1001 E. Pennsylvania, Conference Room A Ottumwa (Monitor: Leslie Heemsbergen)

West Burlington High School 408 W. Van Weiss Blvd. West Burlington (Monitor: TBD)