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  • 3 Mar 2004 2:29 PM | Julie Feirer (Administrator)

    With a goal keeping you informed in a more timely fashion, we are looking forward to an entirely web-based newsletter. We will be able to update articles and aouncements throughout the year instead of only twice a year.

    We are looking for four energetic regional editors to gather news and write articles to be laced on the website. This will broaden our news base and give a wider forum to all the talented and informed Cardiopulmonary professionals we have in Iowa. Join us in sharing our expertise and improving our profession.

    Contact Us to let us know if you're interested in the editor positions.

    There will be a printed mini-newletter sent in February and more on this venture at the Annual Meeting in April - we hope to see you in Sioux Falls!

  • 27 Feb 2004 2:28 PM | Julie Feirer (Administrator)

    According to the staff at Wellmark Provider Services, Wellmark BC/BS allows up to 36 sessions for Cardiac Rehab. In addition, all diagnosis restrictions have been removed. You should verify with BC/BS that cardiac rehabilitation is a benefit that the patient's group has included in the benefits package. These changes were effective 11/13/01.

  • 30 Sep 2003 3:26 PM | Julie Feirer (Administrator)

    Cardiac Rehabilitation and physician supervision 

    The following question was submitted to Cahaba GBA; the response as stated by Julie Mahony follows:

    Must the physician be in the room when cardiac rehabilitation services are performed or may the physician be in the building, or on the campus at the time of service? Would a 24-hour ER physician meet the requirement? Please let me know how Cahaba is interpreting this statement.

    Cahaba GBA Response:"According to CMS Pub.6, the Coverage Issues Manual, Section 35-25, cardiac rehabilitation programs may be provided either by the outpatient department of a hospital or in a physician-directed clinic. The facility meets the definition of a hospital outpatient department or a physician-directed clinic, i.e., a physician is on the premises available to perform medical duties at all times the facility is open, and each patient is under the care of a hospital or clinic physician. Services of nonphysician personnel must be furnished under the direct supervision of a physician. Direct supervision means that a physician must be in the exercise program area and immediately available and accessible for an emergency at all times the exercise program is conducted. It does not require that a physician be physically present in the exercise room itself, provided the contractor does not determine that the physician is too remote from the patients' exercise area to be considered immediately available and accessible. An example of where the physician may be considered immediately available and accessible would be the presence of a physician in an office across the hall from the exercise room who is available at all times for an emergency. The presence of a physician in a building other than that containing the exercise room does not meet the requirement that the physician is immediately available and accesible. In reference to the ER physician, would this physician be in the same building? Also, consider whether the physician would be available at all times, even while treating a patient in the ER.

    Addendum, January 2004: Dr. John Olds, Medical Director of Cahaba GBA has informed us that a non-physician provider (ARNP, PA) will not suffice for the onsite supervision of cardiac rehabilitation services. This supervision must be either a MD or DO.

  • 10 Sep 2003 3:24 PM | Julie Feirer (Administrator)

    A FREE one-hour telephone training seminar that focuses on "New Resources to Help Patients with Angina" will be held on the following dates:

    • Thursday, October 9, 12-1 PM
    • Tuesday, October 14, 11AM-12PM
    • Monday, October 27, 8-9 AM
    • Wednesday, October 29, 8-9PM
    • Wednesday, November 5, 12-1 PM

    1.0 CEU Credit available 

    A patient education series, "Get Tough on Angina" , training manual, patient handbook, slides and script provided.

    For more details and to register, visit their website: or call 608-250-2440.

  • 18 Jun 2002 3:17 PM | Julie Feirer (Administrator)

    AACVPR has awarded recertification to several Iowa Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab programs. These programs were among the first in Iowa to be certified 4 years ago. Congratulations to the following programs:

    Davenport - Genesis Medical Center Cardiac Rehab

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