IACPR Members
We need your help for Legislative Action!
It's time again to send letters to Iowa Senators & Representatives who have not yet signed-on to our much-needed legislation!
Will you please do it today? Our Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab programs are depending on it!
We've provided two sample letters you can simple copy and paste:
1. To Senators re: Senate Bill #1440 (S 1440)
2. To Representatives re: house Bill #4824 (HR 4824)
Address your letters as follows:
To a Senator
To a Representative
The Honorable ( full name )
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
The Honorable ( full name )
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Given the number of cardiac & pulmonary rehab programs and patients in Iowa, we should be able to get our elected officials to show more support! Please persuade them to do so by either fax or email. Due to anthrax and other terrorist threats, paper mail is not accepted.
Click here for listing of Senators and Representatives with their contact information.
Thank you for your participation in this effort to permanently secure
Medicare coverage for Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation!
Your letters will count!!